Overview of workplace screenings

The medical practitioners at Bunbury Skin Cancer Clinic can offer on-site bulk skin checks for your employees.

As a general guide, our medical practitioner can check approximately 12 people per hour. The medical practitioners use hand-held dermatoscopes and examination lights to conduct a close examination of the patients. People who are found to have significant abnormalities are given a written report to take to their doctor.

The results of individual screenings will remain confidential and will not be shared with the company, however summary statistics can be provided.

Typical screening results

The below graph illustrates summary results, averaged over many different skin checks conducted by BSCC medical practitioners.

Rates of skin cancer detection during skin cancer screenings

Key takeaways from these results:

  • One person in every two will have actinic keratosis (sunspots), which indicate damage to the skin, and can later develop into cancers.
  • One in seven people will be found to have a non-melanoma skin cancer at time of screening (SCC or BCC). Early detection is associated with less invasive or complex treatment, and improved cosmetic outcomes following treatment.
  • One person in every fifty will be found to have a potentially-fatal melanoma, usually found in the very early stage. Sometimes these cancers are located in odd places, such as on the soles of the feet or underneath fingernails.
  • With early detection, the survival odds for the people with melanoma are good (> 95%).

What you should know

A private area is required to set up for the examinations. We ask that the assisting company nurse/coordinator please advise each patient that the skin cancer check will involve undressing to their underwear. The medical practitioner will routinely displace underwear briefly, to inspect breast, buttocks or lower abdominal skin without fully removing the garments. The skin cancer examination will not routinely include examination of the genital or nipple area, however the patients may request that these areas are examined if they have any concerns about any moles or spots.

It is also a requirement that patients are asked to remove all make-up including nail varnish prior to examination, as this may mask early detection of skin cancer such as melanoma under nails. Soles of the feet need to be examined without socks or stockings.

Contact us to arrange

If your workplace has a minimum of twelve people requiring screening, and you would like to enquire about workplace screenings, please contact the office manager: